Title | A Guide for Novices | ||||
Date | 2024-02-07 | Attachment | |||
This is a guide for novices who try to
apply the vibrational frequency maps to molecular dynamics simulations for the
first time. Basically, vibrational frequency maps are used to obtain a
trajectory of physical quantities used to calculate the linear and nonlinear
vibrational spectra from a MD trajectory. [1] First, you should have completed a MD
simulation session to obtain a trajectory file of your system. There are many
available MD simulation packages for simulating chemical system of your
interest such as AMBER, CHARMM, NAMD, LAMMPS, Gromacs, and so on. I should
assume that you have previous experience of running MD simulations or have a
basic knowledge of MD methodology. If you are not familiar with MD simulations,
please consult relevant textbooks, for example, “Understanding molecular
simulation” written by Daan Frenkel and Berend Smit. The following is an
example of input file for AMBER MD simulation package to run a simulation to
obtain the trajectory: &cntrl
irest = 0, ntx = 5,
nstlim = 1000000, nsnb = 10, dt = 0.001
tempi= 0.0, temp0 = 300.0, ntt
= 3, gamma_ln = 1.0, ntb
= 1, ntp = 0, ntf
= 2, ntc = 2, cut = 10.0, tol
= 1.E-6,
ntwx= 10, iwrap = 1, &end This input file implements a simulation
under the condition of a constant temperature, constant volume, constant number
of particles with temperature coupling. One notable thing for running MD
simulation is determining by what interval the snapshot structures are written
to the trajectory file. In the above example, ‘ntwx=2’ means that the snapshot
structures are written to the trajectory file every tenth step which means that
the interval between the snapshot structures is 10 fs because the time step is
1 fs in this simulation. This can be a short interval and can be increased to
reduce the size of the trajectory file. But too large interval should be
avoided when the vibration frequency is high, since it might not be sufficient
to sample the vibrational motion of the molecules. [2] When you got the trajectory file of
your system, then you should calculate the trajectory of the vibrational
frequencies and other relevant quantities from your MD trajectory. It is in
this step that the vibrational frequency maps are necessary. Let us assume, for
example, that you have a MD trajectory of a N-methylacetamide (NMA) molecule in
water and you are going to calculate the vibration spectrum of the amide I mode
of the NMA molecule. Firstly, go to the frequencymap.org site and select the
‘Download’ tab. Type ‘amide’ in the search box. Then, you got a list of
vibrational frequency map files for amide I mode for various cases such as NMA,
peptide, proteins. Under the titles of the listed maps, there are brief
descriptions. We choose the ‘amide I’ map file with the description “Amide I
mode vibration of NMA molecule” having the file named
“nma_ham_jcp_2003_118_34915.vbm”. The name of the file contains information of
the molecule (nma) and the name of the first author (ham) of the paper
published in the Journal of Chemical Physics, volume 118, page 34914 in 2003,
which contains the contents related to the map parameters in this vibrational
frequency map file. If you click ‘Download’ button on the left of the name of
this vbm file, the vibrational frequency map file is downloaded. [3] The downloaded vbm file contains
reference paper in the “%reference” section. Reading of this paper before
proceeding is highly recommended. The detailed format of the vbm file is given
in the ‘Tutorial’ tab of the frequencymap.org site. Essentially, the ‘%numbers’
section says that the molecule has 12 atoms and 6 interaction sites. The
‘%structure’ section gives the list of the constituent atoms with their
coordinates. The coordinates are given to show how the atoms in the molecule
are indexed. The ‘%sites on’ section says that the 1st, 5th,
6th, 7th, 8th, and 9th atoms in the
‘%structure’ section are the interaction sites. The parameters for the
interaction sites are given in the ‘%map param’ section. [4] For each snapshot of your MD
trajectory, calculate the electrostatic potential on the interaction sites of
the NMA molecule due to the water molecules in the simulation box and obtain
the amide I mode frequency by multiplying the parameters in ‘%map param’
section to the calculated potential values on the interaction sites of the NMA
molecule. An example code for calculating the vibration frequency shifts for
each snapshot of the MD trajectory using the parameters from the vbm file in
python language might look like the following: for site in range(number_of_site): potential[site] = 0 for iwater in
range(number_of_water_molecules): for iatom in
range(number_of_atoms_in_a_water_molecule): potential[site] +=
charge[iatom][iwater]/abs(r[site]-r[iatom][iwater]) frequency_shift = 0 for isite in range(number_of_site): frequency_shift +=
potential[site]*parameter[site] In the above code you should include the
minimum image convention if your simulation uses periodic simulation box. [5] If you successfully completed the step
[4], now you have a time series of the amide I mode vibration frequency of the
NMA molecule. You can use this data to calculate the linear and nonlinear
vibration spectrum for the amide I mode vibration of NMA. The problem of how to
calculate the linear and nonlinear vibration spectrum is beyond this guide. The
recommended way to calculate the vibration spectrum is to use already
established program packages. I would like to suggest the NISE (numerical
integration of Schrodinger equation) program developed by Jansen group. More
information can be found in https://github.com/GHlacour/NISE_2017. |