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Title Structural dynamics of amyloid β peptide binding to acetylcholine receptor and virtual screening for effective inhibitors
Date 2024-02-19 Attachment , , , , , , , ,

Structural dynamics of amyloid β peptide binding to acetylcholine receptor and virtual screening for effective inhibitors

Hou, YJ (Hou, Yan-jun)Zheng, X (Zheng, Xuan)Zhong, HM (Zhong, Hong-mei)Chen, F (Chen, Feng)Yan, GY (Yan, Gui-yang)Cai, KC (Cai, Kai-cong)

Chinise Journal of Chemical Physics, 2021, Volume 34, pp. 323-333.

The interaction between Amyloid beta (A beta) peptide and acetylcholine receptor is the key for our understanding of how A beta fragments block the ion channels within the synapses and thus induce Alzheimer's disease. Here, molecular docking and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations were performed for the structural dynamics of the docking complex consisting of A beta and alpha 7-nAChR (alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor), and the inter-molecular interactions between ligand and receptor were revealed. The results show that A beta(25-35) is bound to alpha 7-nAChR through hydrogen bonds and complementary shape, and the A beta(25-35) fragments would easily assemble in the ion channel of alpha 7-nAChR, then block the ion transfer process and induce neuronal apoptosis. The simulated amide-I band of A beta(25-35) in the complex is located at 1650.5 cm(-1), indicating the backbone of A beta(25-35) tends to present random coil conformation, which is consistent with the result obtained from cluster analysis. Currently existing drugs were used as templates for virtual screening, eight new drugs were designed and semi-flexible docking was performed for their performance. The results show that, the interactions between new drugs and alpha 7-nAChR are strong enough to inhibit the aggregation of A beta(25-35) fragments in the ion channel, and also be of great potential in the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.