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Title | Concerted Motions and Molecular Function: What Physical Chemistry We Can Learn from Light-Driven Ion-Pumping Rhodopsins | ||||
Date | 2024-02-27 | Attachment | , , , , , , , , | ||
Concerted Motions and Molecular Function: What Physical Chemistry We Can Learn from Light-Driven Ion-Pumping RhodopsinsMizutani, Y (Mizutani, Yasuhisa) Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 2021, Volume 125, pp. 11812-11819. Transmembrane ion gradients are generated and maintained by ion-pumping proteins in cells. Light-driven ion-pumping rhodopsins are retinal-containing proteins found in archaea, bacteria, and eukarya. Photoisomerization of the retinal chromophore induces structural changes in the protein, allowing the transport of ions in a particular direction. Understanding unidirectional ion transport by ion-pumping rhodopsins is an exciting challenge for biophysical chemistry. Concerted changes in ionbinding affinities of the ion-binding sites in proteins are key to unidirectional ion transport, as is the coupling between the chromophore and the protein moiety to drive the concerted motions regulating ion-binding affinities. The commonality of ionpumping rhodopsin protein structures and the diversity of their ionpumping functions suggest universal principles governing ion transport, which would be widely applicable to molecular systems. In this Perspective, I review the insights obtained from previous studies on rhodopsins and discuss future perspectives. |