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Title Transient field-resolved reflectometry at 50-100 THz
Date 2024-03-10 Attachment , , , , , , , ,

Transient field-resolved reflectometry at 50-100 THz

Neuhaus, M (Neuhaus, Marcel)Schötz, J (Schoetz, Johannes)Aulich, M (Aulich, Mario)Srivastava, A (Srivastava, Anchit)Kimbaras, D (Kimbaras, Dziugas)Smejkal, V (Smejkal, Valerie)Pervak, V (Pervak, Vladimir)Alharbi, M (Alharbi, Meshaal)Azzeer, AM (Azzeer, Abdallah M.)Libisch, F (Libisch, Florian)Lemell, C (Lemell, Christoph)Burgdörfer, J (Burgdoerfer, Joachim)Wang, ZL (Wang, Zilong)Kling, MF (Kling, Matthias F.

Optica, 2022, Volume 9, pp-42-49.

Transient field-resolved spectroscopy enables studies of ultrafast dynamics in molecules, nanostructures, or solids with sub-cycle resolution, but previous work has so far concentrated on extracting the dielectric response at frequencies below 50 THz. Here, we implemented transient field-resolved reflectometry at 50-100 THz(3-6 mu m) with MHz repetition rate employing 800 nm few-cycle excitation pulses that provide sub-10 fs temporal resolution. The capabilities of the technique are demonstrated in studies of ultrafast photorefractive changes in semiconductors Ge and GaAs, where the high frequency range permits to explore the resonance-free Drude response. The extended frequency range in transient field-resolved spectroscopy can further enable studies with so far inaccessible transitions, including intramolecular vibrations in a large range of systems. Published by The Optical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.