News and Development

> News and Development

Mechanical Properties and Tribological Behavior of MoS2-Enhanced 2024-02-19
Measuring the Multiscale Dynamics, Structure, and Function of Biomolecules 2024-02-19
CH Mode Mixing Determines the Band Shape of the Carboxylate Symmetric 2024-02-19
Short- and long-range crowding effects on water's hydrogen bond 2024-02-19
Artificial Intelligence-based Amide-II Infrared Spectroscopy Simulation 2024-02-16
Solvent controlled aggregation behavior of peptide bond simulant 2024-02-14
Multimode two-dimensional vibronic spectroscopy. II. Simulating 2024-02-14
Structural dynamics and vibrational feature of N-Acetyl-D-glucosamine 2024-02-13
Bulk and Surface Conformations in Solid-State Lovastatin: Spectroscopic 2024-02-13
Computing the frequency fluctuation dynamics of highly coupled vibrational 2024-02-13