News and Development

> News and Development

Lanthanide-dependent coordination interactions in lanmodulin: a 2024-02-26
Diagrammatic approach to classical coherent two-dimensional infrared 2024-02-26
Analysis of amyloid-like secondary structure in the Cryab-R120G 2024-02-26
Machine Learning Approach for Describing Water OH Stretch Vibrations 2024-02-26
Solute-induced changes in the water H-bond network of different 2024-02-26
Comparative studies of IR spectra of deprotonated serine with classical 2024-02-26
IR linewidth and intensity amplifications of nitrile vibrations 2024-02-26
Application of 2D IR Bioimaging: Hyperspectral Images of Formalin-Fixed 2024-02-26
Temperature-Dependent Low-Frequency Modes in the Active Site of 2024-02-26
Transparent window 2D IR spectroscopy of proteins 2024-02-19