Ultrafast Rotational and Translational Energy Relaxation in Neat |
2024-03-04 |
Least-Squares Fitting of Multidimensional Spectra to Kubo Line-Shape |
2024-03-04 |
Distinct electrostatic frequency tuning rates for amide I and amide |
2024-03-04 |
Computational spectroscopy of complex systems |
2024-03-04 |
The mutual interactions of RNA, counterions and water - quantifying |
2024-03-04 |
Probing Ligand Effects on the Ultrafast Dynamics of Copper Complexes |
2024-02-28 |
Transfer learned potential energy surfaces: accurate anharmonic |
2024-02-28 |
Concerted Motions and Molecular Function: What Physical Chemistry |
2024-02-27 |
Molecular Mechanism of Cell Membrane Protection by Sugars: A Study |
2024-02-27 |
NMR Relaxation Rates of Quadrupolar Aqueous Ions from Classical |
2024-02-26 |