News and Development

> News and Development

Antenna-coupled infrared nanospectroscopy of intramolecular vibrational 2024-05-01
Bifurcated Hydrogen Bonds in a Peptide Crystal Unveiled by X-ray 2024-05-01
Recent Advances in the Monitoring of Protein Crystallization Processes 2024-05-01
Revealing intermolecular coupling effects on vibrational spectra 2024-05-01
Two-color infrared photothermal microscopy 2024-05-01
Probing local changes to α-helical structures with 2D IR spectroscopy 2024-05-01
2D-IR spectroscopy of carbohydrates: Characterization of thiocyanate-labeled 2024-05-01
Slow spectral diffusion of the NO stretching mode of [RuCl5(NO)]2- 2024-05-01
Transferability of vibrational spectroscopic map from TIP4P to TIP4P-like 2024-05-01
The Potential Use of Near- and Mid-Infrared Spectroscopy in Kidney 2024-05-01