News and Development

> News and Development

Comparative studies of IR spectra of deprotonated serine with classical 2024-02-26
IR linewidth and intensity amplifications of nitrile vibrations 2024-02-26
Application of 2D IR Bioimaging: Hyperspectral Images of Formalin-Fixed 2024-02-26
Temperature-Dependent Low-Frequency Modes in the Active Site of 2024-02-26
Transparent window 2D IR spectroscopy of proteins 2024-02-19
Local Electric Fields in Aqueous Electrolytes 2024-02-19
Ultrafast vibrational dynamics of the tyrosine ring mode and its 2024-02-19
Vibrational Stark shift spectroscopy of catalysts under the influence 2024-02-19
Reduced Two-Electron Interactions in Anharmonic Molecular Vibrational 2024-02-19
Structural dynamics of amyloid β peptide binding to acetylcholine 2024-02-19