News and Development

> News and Development

Coupled local mode method for simulating vibrational spectroscopy 2024-04-01
Vibrational study of acrylonitrile dimer and acrylonitrile-water 2024-04-01
Sub-optical-cycle light-matter energy transfer in molecular vibrational 2024-04-01
Theoretical Sum Frequency Generation Spectra of Protein Amide with 2024-04-01
Imaging Vibrational Excitations in the Electron Microscope 2024-04-01
Machine learning-generated TIP4P-BGWT model for liquid and supercooled 2024-03-24
Static Electron Correlation in Anharmonic Molecular Vibrations: 2024-03-24
Potential Distribution across Model Membranes 2024-03-24
Non-Aromatic Fluorescence in Biological Matter: The Exception or 2024-03-24
Noncontact Friction in Electric Force Microscopy over a Conductor 2024-03-24